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The Behavioral Mix to an Effective Leader

I find the task-oriented/relations-oriented behavioral model to be most compelling. In chapter 3 of Gary Yukl's "Effective Leadership Behavior" article, he found that, "effective leaders guide and facilitate the work to accomplish task objectives, while at the same time maintaining cooperative relationships and teamwork." Therefore explaining that leadership effectiveness has a positive correlation with task and relation oriented behavior. I think that the key to success is to follow the path of being in the middle and displaying behaviors of both task-oriented and people-oriented. If we have a manager who gets the job done, but does not want to engage further with his/her employees, then subordinate satisfaction is in decline. If we have a manager who wants to build relationships with his/her employees, but lacks in focusing on completing all tasks, then employees start to question the credibility of their manager. Therefore, with a mix of organization and monitoring (task-oriented) and encouragement and coaching (relations-oriented), then leaders will be much more effective in their behaviors. I also believe that task-oriented behavior is much more important to display while training new employees. The Yukl article explains that planning, clarifying roles and objectives, and monitoring operations and performance are the key steps in displaying task-oriented behavior. This behavior requires a leader to micromanage more to ensure the work is completed correctly. However, supportive leadership should be continuously displayed throughout an employee's tenure. I have found that many managers lack supportive leadership, especially when offering praise and gratification. Managers often reprimand an employee when things are done wrong because mistakes can often stand out more. Yukl outlines relations-oriented behavior as displaying supportive leadership (consideration and concern for employees), developing subordinate skills, and providing praise and and recognition. The perfect mix allows a leader to be organized and complete tasks, ensuring credibility and reliability, while also listening and encouraging employees, eventually earning mutual trust.

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My name is Amanda Lindenmuth, a senior Hospitality and Tourism Management student at San Diego State University. Check out my weebly page to learn more about my leadership philosophy as a Meeting Planner.


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