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Traits and Me

September 15, 2016

I believe that we can always become a better person. Unlike the Great Man Theory, I do not believe that all traits are innate, otherwise, why would we spend so much time bettering ourselves? Just like the hospitality industry, people are constantly changing and learning.


Trust: Trust is the glue that binds all relationships. Leaders earn trust by being fair and honorable, and once lost, it can cause unrest within an organization. If those you are trying to lead do not trust you, then where is their want to follow you going to come from? With trust, people feel comfortable to follow and believe that what you envision is truly beneficial. It is important that leaders be transparent and open, and if so, they will receive the same from their employees.


Open-mindedness: I believe a leader must be able to quiet their opinions and beliefs to look at the other side of each situation. This goes hand-in-hand with listening to your followers and those around you. Sometimes, managers are stuck in their ways, which can cause a company to never move forward.


Selflessness: Selflessness displays a true want to better someone because giving up your time for someone else makes others feel appreciated. A leader is one to push others.  As my leadership style stated before, a leader leads from behind.  Selflessness takes courage. I quoted Nelson Mandela before about leading from behind. To extend on his quote, he explains that leaders take the front line when mishaps occur. When victories occur, leaders showcase their followers. 


Humility: No matter who you are, how smart you are, or even how pretty you are, we do not all know everything. Even as a leader, some followers will have better qualities than you. Humility is recognizing those values in others and not being threatened. This takes self-awareness and self-confidence. I believe taking in their perspectives and even learning from those you lead with is beneficial. As Tim McGraw sings, "Always stay humble and kind."


Confidence: My motto is "stand up straight and strut your stuff" (without coming off as arrogant). I believe that confidence can always be portrayed and is important especially as a young, female supervisor. When I got promoted to a supervisor at my current job, I spent a lot of time with myself on how to appear older as I often work with Chief Medical Officers for Investigator Meetings. Confidence is much more than professional clothing. It is displayed in your demeanor as well. Leaders instill confidence by having a clear vision and being a great coach.


Gratitude: As a Hospitality major, gratitude is something that is built within my core.  As a leader, it should be too. No matter who you are or how powerful you are, expressing gratitude should never be swept under the rug. Expressing gratitude to your employees can not only improve your image, but will increase employee satisfaction. It is important to correct things done wrong, but it is also extremely important to remember to show acknowledgement when things are done right.


These are just a few of the traits that I admire in leaders and the traits that give me the want to follow someone. When these traits are put all together, inspiration and motivation automatically emerge. 

About Me
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My name is Amanda Lindenmuth, a senior Hospitality and Tourism Management student at San Diego State University. Check out my weebly page to learn more about my leadership philosophy as a Meeting Planner.


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